Beyond mere rendering, we craft complete vibes.

撰曄建築數位影像 竭誠為您提供專業而優質的效果圖,為設計師量身訂造。透過光影氛圍及細節表現,幫助您展現項目真實美感。

效果圖 氛圍感 是我們極力呈現的核心內容。它們捕捉項目與環境的片刻,瞬間展現情感,蘊含在每一格之中。無論您的需求是輸出印刷品,還是廣告平台傳達,高品質的渲染皆能在各媒體中呈現。

About Us

RL Studio is an architectural visualization studio based in Taiwan. We propose to architects, designers, real estate developers, manufacturers, and like-minded companies to make their ideas evolve from sketches, blueprints, or simple thoughts, to convincing and expressive content. We believe in close collaboration and openness in communication with our clients, that's why we focus our attention on every detail so each project receives a unique treatment.


We creates digital art used as a tool for successful communication with various stakeholders. Therefore we propose different solutions, allowing you to choose what's more appropriate for your communication strategy.

Still images are the core content we ask us to produce. They provide an instant perception of a moment of life, intended to be used on any platform. No matter if you need them for printing purposes, or website communication, they always find their way to express your concept.